Too often, people are looking for that one thing, that perfect thing, to solve the climate crisis, but what would happen if we stopped looking for the perfect solution and simply took action?
Part 1 “We’re Screwed” Get Over It, contains the introduction + chapters 1-4, and provides an overview of the climate change challenge. It outlines the carbon cycle and the math of the planet in simple terms. It shows how a complex array of changes, not a simple one size fits all solution, can help us make progress. It shows how we can overcome the climate challenge if we take action.
Part 2 Principles that Get Us There, contains chapters 5-8, and describes the principles of action that are essential to making progress. It provides an overview of how innovations are stacked on top of each other and not confined to technology, but can be applied everywhere. It also talks about climate finance and how a whole system of funding mechanisms needs to be more engaged to provide the resources necessary to overcome climate change.
Part 3 Existence Theorems, contains chapters 9-14, and talks about all the colors of carbon and vast array of solutions that are available to make real progress. We can improve how we manage our forests and farms. We can preserve the oceans. We can change our built world, how we generate energy and the circular economy to make rapid progress.
Climate change is a defining issue of our time. Nearly every day we see the impact of our warming climate - record wildfires, rising seas, intense floods and heatwaves.
In this book, you'll learn that the over arching math of the climate is not that complicated. The author reviews a number of the innovations that can help us combat climate change, as well as the importance of ecosystem benefits, and how we can enhance them by changing our view of nature. You'll hear stories such as...
How the IPCC's dogged pursuit of the science is turning the tide.
How venture funded start ups are launching and scaling solutions to meet the climate challenge
How a diverse array of financial instruments are being used to fund and support climate change mitigation efforts
The amazing importance of ecosystem services and how rethinking our relationship with nature can enhance these essential benefits
You will love this book if you want to learn more about climate change, the stories of people innovating new solutions to the climate challenge and the principles of action that can get us there.